Atulaya Beemaster Producer Company Limited registered on 11 December,2017 under the Indian Companies Act,2013 by the leadership of Department Of Horticulture & amp; Govt. of Haryana. Dr. Arjun Singh Saini (Director General Horticulture) guided Small Farmer’s Agri business Consortium, Haryana (SFACH) which leads to form a State Level Beekeeper Farmer’s Producer Organisation.
Atulaya Beemaster Producer Company Limited is a leading Farmer Producer Organization in the state of Haryana. About 70% of the aware beekeeper farmers of Haryana are associated with it. Till now 2500 beekeeper farmers are associated with us, out of which 1866 beekeeper farmers have shares in our company & these share holder farmers have approx. 1,50,000 bee boxes, which produces 4500MT honey every year. From 2010 to 2017 Dr. B.S. Sehrawat (Managing Director of Horticulture) with untiring efforts inspired our beekeeper farmers to bright future under the Haryana Government Scheme i.e. National Horticulture Mission (NHM) & then through Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH). With the help & efforts of Dr. B.S. Sehrawat (M.D.) under the guidance of government of Haryana established India’s 1 st Integrated Beekeeping Development Centre (IBDC), An Indo Israel Project at Ramnagar,Kurukshetra. In domestic market, Common consumers could not get pure natural honey of good quality, after which in order to reach the pure natural honey to the consumers, the company has decided to increase the consumption of honey in the domestic market. Then started its marketing with 10 -12 different kinds of honey obtained from 12 different flowers (Mustard, Eucalyptus, Sheesham, Multiflower, Sunflower, Jandi, Lichi, Jamun, Fennel, Thyme, Acacia, Sulai) and various products prepared from honey (Murabba, Vinegar, Jam, Royal Jelly, Candy, Biscuit etc.). The main objective of the company is to provide good quality products to the consumers and beekeeper farmers to get proper financial value of their natural honey so that their economic condition can be strengthened. Farmer’s natural honey is brought up to Integrated Beekeeping Development Centre, Ramnagar & through tested by Hi-tech laboratory, processed by hygienic processing plant and packed in bottles. .”Haryana Fresh” is brand name given to FPO on behalf of Horticulture Department. After which the FPO, with the help of Horticulture Department made separate arrangements for the sale of honey, sale counters have been set up at various places.
FPO has set up their sales counters at-
All organized Fairs by Haryana state were actively participated by the FPC & won many awards on state level & national level too. Keeping in mind the interests of the beekeeper farmers, the company with the guidance and cooperation of Dr. Arjun Singh Saini (Director General Horticulture) all beekeeping equipment available at 75% subsidy under IHD scheme was prepared to get it done by Atulaya Beemaster Producer Company Limited (FPC). It is an Implementing Agency that provides good quality beekeeping equipment on subsidies to the beekeeping farmers of entire Haryana. The FPO wants to provide natural honey in mid day mills all over Haryana. Efforts were made to get involved, as a result of which the trial of honey in Panchkula schools got it done.
On 8-12-2020, Atulaya Beemaster Producer Company Limited (FPO) executed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Haryana State Co-operative Supply and Marketing Federation Limited (HAFED) with help of Dr. Banwari Lal (Minister of Cooperation) in the presence of Shri D.K. Behera (IAS), Dr. Arjun Singh Saini (Managing Director SFACH) and all the officers of HAFED. Anil Singh Sindhu, Dr. J. K. Sheoran, Darshan Lal and Suresh representing FPO at MoU. This MoU is done in favour of beekeeper farmers to easy available to sell their natural honey at sale counter & provide pure fresh natural honey to the consumers.
MOU of Atulaya Beemaster Producer Company Limited with Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Limited Vita on 21-01-2021 executed in the presence of Sh. Dr. Banwari Lal (Cooperation Minister).On behalf of FPO Anil Singh Sindhu and Suresh were present on this occasion. Sanjeev Kaushal (Additional Chief Secretary), Kailash Bhagat (HAFED Chairman) Sh. A. Sreenivas (Vita Managing Director) and many officials were present. All the credit of MoU goes to Sh. A. Sreenivas, Sh. D.K. Behera (IAS) (Managing Director) all the officers of HAFED and Vita and all the officers of SFACH. MoU is agreed & executed at Punchkula on 15-9-2021 between Atulaya Beemaster Producer Company Limited and Haryana Agro Industries Co-Orperation Limited (HAICL). HAICL has setup near about 2000 sale counter named as Har Hith Store, inaugurated by Sh. Manohar Lal Khattar (Hon’ble Chief Minister Of Haryana).
FPC is trying to provide more facilities to beekeepers from Govt. Of Haryana –
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